Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Inside Out, Sacrifice

For my first post I feel I have to highlight one of my favorite hardcore songs of all time...Sacrifice by Inside Out. If you are unfamiliar with the powerhouse that is Zack de la Rocha (pre-Rage) and Vic DiCara (pre Shelter and 108) you have no business listening to hardcore. Their 'No Spiritual Surrender' EP is all-time. An incredible mix of passion, spirit and fury.

If you want a detailed overview, check out this Double Cross post. The one thing I disagree with is their relative dismissal of the song 'Sacrifice'. Yes, it's not on the 7" and just on the tape and CD...but it was my favorite track by a MILE. I didn't, and still don't, relate to a lot of the Krishna and spiritual lyrics on many of the other songs, but 'Sacrifice'? Giving your self to someone and having them bail on you? Perfect. The vocal work? Perfect. The sound? Yup.

This live performance really captures Inside Out at their best and I WISH I had the luck of seeing them live back then. I missed them. But I'll always have 'Sacrifice' and the power of those lyrics and guitars.

Download Inside Out, No Spiritual Surrender.

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